Saturday 18 June 2016

The headaches of higher post

When you seat in upper berth 
You have to bend
The headaches of higher posts
Have no end

Thursday 16 June 2016

If you can't find me

If you can't find me 
Find my work
I am visible in light  
My work illuminates in dark

The more I see you

The more I see 
You r more beautiful 
More you are old
You look so cool !

Tuesday 14 June 2016

One who does love

Cloud becomes rain
Jumps to earth below 
One who does love
Need not to follow

Monday 13 June 2016

Sunday 12 June 2016

Saturday 11 June 2016


A person is said never to be taller than when bending over to help a child

Friday 10 June 2016

You are beautiful always

Some beautiful far off
Some are at near
You are beautiful always 
I am very sure

You are just a cast

When saw you first
There was no end to my thirst
Now fully convinced
You are just a cast

Accept your limitation

Me a tortoise
Be steady my dear
Use weakness as your strength 
Success is your

Thursday 9 June 2016

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Tuesday 7 June 2016

The longest was my mother's hug

The longest was mother's hug
Father gifted the best
Two carried me entire life 
I reached to the zest

If you can't lift

Someone in need
Give a hand 
If you can't lift
Your soul withstands

Monday 6 June 2016

When life kicks back

Some have work
Hang around neck
When work is done 
Kick you at back [1]
Then no choice 
Walk ,walk ,walk......
Say loudly
Quack,quack ,quack [2]

Sunday 5 June 2016

Life is an U turn

Someone’s path is full of rose 
Someone's is of thorn 
Keep hoping, keep walking 
Life is a U turn

Loves you the most

One who belives you in the end Loves you the most You are under full bla....bla.. Please do adjust

Wherever you hide

Time will take you
And whatever you have
Wherever you hide
And whichever bank you save 

Thursday 2 June 2016

Most have already left

Most have already left
Before they reach
Before could reach the answer
Who of us each?

A few reach heart

So many faces we see 
A few reach heart 
All the books we look 
Read 1 or 2 from that

Whom to attend

Neither praise rich 
Nor hate poor
Either relieve pain 
Or heal a sore

Alone I am good

Alone I am good
With you better 
All we together 
Super ,super,super

Wednesday 1 June 2016

I am a stranger in the show of life

Why from where, where to?
I do not know
I’m not even body or mind
A stranger in life show