Wednesday 20 January 2021

The story of two lunch carriers

 Two tiffin carriers, new one with top sticker and the old is off sticker. The off sticker is one month old. I forgot the off sticker in an auto during coming home from duty. I reached home with some emptiness. Got nicely scolded by madam for carelessness. I could not but went down to local market to buy the top sticker to ensure next lunch. When I was trying to open the building gate with the new carrier, someone called me from the back. He was the same auto driver who carried me to my street. He was carrying the off sticker to my home. He had already walked one kilometer with positive hope that he might get me in the same street again. With humble submission, he handed over the tiffin carrier. I was the only passenger in his auto two hours back. When I was about to getting down, I paid him ten rupees. He said that he is not getting enough passengers because trains have not started till now because of corona. I tried to give him some rupees as thank notes. Without exchange, he told he is happy get me back. Soon, the auto driver, then his auto disappeared from the eyesight. Though he was ordinary auto driver but his autograph on the stop sticker was extra ordinary.

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